Prospective Members

If you are interested in joining, you are very welcome to visit the club to look around, preferably on weekday evenings or Saturday/Sunday afternoons when the club is most active. Annual membership subscriptions are due on 1st September and at other times will be calculated on a ‘pro-rata’ basis.

If you’d like to join, you will first need to register with Manage My Match (MMM), by clicking here –

Once registered you will be able to choose and pay your subscription, again through MMM.

If you have any problems, just call the Membership Secretary, Rob Ballingall on 07821 677806 or email him on

The amounts due under the various categories are:


Full £190
Off-peak  £145
Young (Under 24), Senior (over 65) £100
Junior Plus (U19, no booking restriction) £75
Junior (Under 19), Country     £40
Social   £34



Squash Courts
There are 4 high quality squash courts, one of which is a glass backed ‘tournament’ court with seating for up to 100 spectators.

Squash courts are booked on-line via MMM or on the dedicated booking PC located in the club entrance hall. Members can have 3 peak-time courts booked up to a maximum of three weeks in advance. Courts cost £5 for peak, and £4 for off-peak.

Peak courts                are from 4:15pm to 9:30pm inclusive Monday to Friday

Off-peak courts         are at all other times

Coaching is available to all members through our Head Coach:

Sam Mueller
England Squash Level 3 Talent Development Coach
(T) 07342 692680

Junior activities include group coaching on Sunday mornings, a ladder competition and an annual knock-out tournament. Junior members only have Off-peak booking rights – this can be upgraded to cover Peak times through ‘Junior Plus’ membership.

League Play
All members may enter the Leagues to ensure regular play – participation in our leagues is the best way to meet and play other members.  The Main League is open to all adult members and juniors of a sufficiently high standard.  Click here to view the Squash League Rules

Club Play
All members are welcome to a free session to mix and play with other members on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each Month. This maybe an organised round robin  or simply turn up and play for fun, either Squash or Racketball. 

Match Play
Currently two teams compete in the Bucks leagues, one in the 1st and one in the 2nd division.  If there is sufficient demand, we also enter both a Ladies and Junior Team.

Tournament Play
There is an Annual Championship for all categories including Veterans, as well as a Handicap tournament and Doubles tournament.

Racketball (Squash 57)
Racketball is growing in popularity at our Club with internal leagues, inter-club competition in the Summer and a Club Championship tournament annually.