Terms of Membership
1.0 Membership Guidance
1.1 All members are expected to pay the full annual fee according to their membership category when this falls due on May 31st. Fees for new members are based on the full annual rate until 31st August of that year. From September 1st, new members are only required to pay fees on a pro-rata basis calculated to the full month, plus Joining Fee (if applicable).
1.2 Membership renewal fees are due by May 31st and the Club will send notification by email to the tennis membership and post notices at the Club and on the website. It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that renewal fees are paid by the due date. Non-receipt of renewal notification will not be accepted as a valid reason for failure to pay renewal fees.
1.3 The Club offers a reduction in annual fees to all existing members in the form of a prompt payment discount, the amount of which will be communicated to members prior to June 1st. The payment discount will ONLY apply to membership paid by May 31st. Any member not having paid the renewal fees by this date will forfeit the discount and will be required to pay the full renewal fee. An additional discount of 10% is offered to families, defined as any household where more than one occupant is a playing member of the Club. Any family not having paid its renewal fees by the due date, will still be eligible for the family discount, BUT this will be based on the full renewal fee.
1.4 The Club will send out membership information to members and will display information around the Clubhouse. Members will be kept up to date with the latest Club information through the web site, by email and through notices around the Clubhouse and grounds. It is the responsibility of individual members to ensure that the contact information held on the Club database is up to date at all times.
1.5 The Club does not offer payment holidays or refunds of fees unless under exceptional circumstances as determined at the sole and absolute discretion of the Tennis Section Committee. This is because all members are expected to contribute to the year round maintenance and upkeep of the Club, regardless of how often and when they use the facilities.
1.6 Members who have not paid renewal fees within one calendar month of the due date (ie. May 31st), will be deemed to have lapsed their membership and will not be entitled to use the Club facilities. Members wishing to rejoin in this situation will be required to pay a joining fee (if applicable to their category) and the full year subscription. At the Tennis Committee’s discretion, a list of lapsed members will be displayed on noticeboards in the Club, to inform the monitoring of court usage by current members.
2.0 Club Rules
2.1 We require that all members adhere to Club Rules and the various Codes of Conduct to which the Tennis Section has committed. These include Codes and Policies relating to the expected behaviour of parents/guardians and children, Safeguarding and Health & Safety. These can be found on the web site www.cbltsc.com and displayed in the Clubhouse. Any member failing to act in accordance with these Codes/Policies may be challenged as regards their conduct and may be asked to leave the court or Club premises. Continual refusal to abide by the Rules, Codes and Policies may result in withdrawal of membership.
3.0 Juniors at the Club
3.1 As a private members’ club, the Club requires that where any child under age 12 is a member, at least one parent must be a playing or social member of the Club. Coaches take responsibility for the health, wellbeing and safety of children up to the age of 18 at coaching lessons. If children use the club facilities and courts as members, but unsupervised by parents or a responsible adult, this is on the understanding that they do so at their own risk, and the club, it’s members, staff and officials are not responsible for them.
4.0 Court Etiquette
4.1 The Club has a published statement on court priority. An up to date copy of this is on the web site, on the Weekly Programme and on noticeboards within the Clubhouse. The Tennis Committee requires members to respect and abide by the priorities set out in the policy either when invoking priority or when being asked to vacate a court. Any members failing to act in accordance with this policy may be reported to the Tennis Committee. Continued failure to act in accordance with the policy may result in withdrawal of membership.
Use of the courts and facilities by members are at members’ own risk.
5.0 Visitors
5.1 The Club allows members to bring visitors to the Club either to use the courts or the clubhouse facilities at £5 per day per guest. The fee to be paid at the time of booking the court using MMM. Each visitor is strictly limited to 4 visits per calendar year after which they are expected to join the Club either as a playing or social member. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure the fees are paid.
6.0 British Tennis Membership (BTM) and the Wimbledon Draw.
6.1 The Club receives an allocation of tickets for the Wimbledon Championships each year and makes these tickets available to members through the LTA ballot. However, Club and LTA rules determine that the ONLY members eligible for entry into the ballot for tickets are those that meet the following the criteria:
- members who are aged 9 years and over at the time the ballot is conducted (under 9s are excluded);
- members who have paid their renewal fees by the published renewal date and Honorary Members; and
- members who are also members of the LTA BTM scheme.
6.2 The Tennis Section Committee encourages all members to sign up for membership of the BTM Scheme. The ballot is not only restricted to these members, but the Club allocation of Wimbledon tickets is determined by the number of members signed up to the Scheme. Note: the rules of the BTM Scheme are subject to change at the discretion of the LTA. Further information can be found at lta.org.uk/britishtennismembership
By joining Chesham Bois Lawn Tennis & Squash Club, you are agreeing to be a member of CBLTSC Limited, a company limited by guarantee with liability limited to £1